First, if you’re reading this and planning your engagement session, congratulations! The time has come and the planning shall began. Before going into your engagement session, here’s a list of 10 tips for slaying your engagement photos.

1. Book your engagement session through your wedding photographer.
I can’t express how important it is to have a relationship with your photographer. Booking your engagement session with your wedding photographer allows you both to get to know one another and work along side each other, preparing you both for your big day.
2. Wear something you’re comfortable in.
Though we may not always wear strapless bras, lash extensions, and a flowy dress, we still want to make sure you are comfortable. When preparing for your engagement session, make sure you are comfortable. Trust me, with less stress and comfortability, clients glow with confidence in front of the camera.
3. Test out your trial runs on hair and makeup.
In many occasions, your hair and/or makeup artist for your wedding day will allow a trial run. This is a great time to use these trial runs as a way to level up your engagement session look and allows you to imagine how you will feel on your big day.
4. Plan in advance.
The more you plan now, the less stressed you’ll be when the time comes. Outfits take time, energy, and can be an extra cost many of us don’t plan for. If you plan in advance, this should give you enough time to organize and coordinate the perfect outfits for your perfect session.

5. Get your ring clean.
There’s nothing like a fresh clean to give your engagement ring that perfect sparkle for your photos. Schedule a cleaning in advance with your jeweler. You’ll thank me later.
6. No-no to sunless tanning.
I personally don’t recommend a spray tan (or sunless tan) but if you do, please allow 5-7 days to allow your look to “calm down” before photos. Keep in mind the color difference between you and your partner. You may look amazing with your new tan, but your partner may now look like casper the friendly ghost snuggled up to you.
7. Same goes for hair.
If you desire a fresh cut or color, give yourself at least one week to let your new style settle in.

8. Set the scene.
Your photos should represent who you are as a couple. If you love wine, pop open a bottle of sweet red and cheers the night away. If you enjoy hiking, have your photoshoot located at your favorite hiking spot. Pizza lovers? You don’t have to ask me twice about bringing pizza to your session. Whatever or whoever ever you shine brightest, suggest having it show in your session.
9. Don’t forget to eat.
If you’re anything like me, stress leaves you running around and completely forgetting to eat. Aside from staying hydrated, make sure you eat a light snack prior to your session. This will allow you be in tip top shape for when it’s game time.
10. Come prepared.
So much can happen in the hour we share together. It’s never a bad idea to pack extra waters, comfortable shoes, snacks, and makeup for touch-ups. If you don’t use it, great. If you need it, you’ll be happy you brought it.
-Bonus- Make it a date night.
You’ve put all this effort into a one hour photo session, why not make a night of it and date your soon-to-be husband or wife?! Wedding planing can be overwhelmingly stressful. Taking time to genuinely date your fiancé is probably the last thing on your mind, so put the chaos aside and make it a date night!

I hope you enjoyed these 10 tips for slaying your engagement photos. Follow along for tips, tricks, stories, and more.